CCO Faith Study Series

English | Français | Español

The CCO™ Faith Study Series has been designed in order to proclaim the Gospel, equip the faithful and commission them to become missionary disciples. These materials are used in a small group setting and allow for a relatable and dynamic proclamation of the Catholic Faith. They are easy-to-lead and have proven effective in bringing about personal conversions.

Discovery Faith Study cover
Source Faith Study cover
Growth Faith Study cover
Trust Faith Study cover
Commission Faith Study cover

How to Lead a CCO Faith Study

The Leading Faith Studies video series (below) is for leaders—both new and veteran—who are looking to hone their intentional accompaniment of their participants. Join Michael and Holly as they guide you through each lesson and direct you to the most critical content within each lesson. Please note that these videos are intended to be a supplement to the Leaders Guide—they build on that material and assume a familiarity with that leader content.

Discovery Faith Study cover - Panoramic photo of a mountain pass

DISCOVERY invites participants to encounter Christ through a simple but challenging look at the Gospel message.

Source Faith Study cover - Water Background

Source introduces participants to the Holy Spirit and the impact that the third person of the Trinity can make in the lives of faithful Catholics.

Growth Faith Study cover - Close up of a leaf

GROWTH examines the fundamental practices which nurture our Christian life such as prayer, sacraments and fellowship.

Trust Faith Study cover - Mountains

TRUST helps participants grow in trusting the Lord in all aspects of life so as to live in greater freedom.

Commission Faith Study cover - Photo of a head of wheat

COMMISSION focuses on revealing our missionary identity as Catholics and its necessity in approaching our apostolate and personal growth in holiness.

**Leading Commission coming soon**

The Ultimate Relationship

The Ultimate Relationship booklet provides a method for anyone to be able to share the Gospel message in a clear, simple and personal way.

Not sure how to get started with CCO materials in your parish?

CCO Methods

The Missionary Disciple Podcast

The Missionary Disciple Podcast aims to inspire, equip, and challenge you to be an active and effective evangelist.


Watch Season 2 NOW

More CCO Materials

Clear and SimpleBuy Now
The Ultimate Relationship™Buy Now
Intentional AccompanimentBuy Now