Faith Study Series
The CCO™ Faith Study Series has been designed in order to proclaim the Gospel, equip the faithful and commission them to become missionary disciples. These materials are used in a small group setting and allow for a relatable and dynamic proclamation of the Catholic Faith. They are easy-to-lead and have proven effective in bringing about personal conversions.
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Every single person should have the chance to say “yes” to Jesus.
Imagine a resource that builds an environment for intentional accompaniment, forms missionary disciples, and brings the momentum of a multiplying movement. CCO Faith Studies are designed for that purpose.
Communities—from campus to parish to schools, and more—have successfully used faith studies to inspire deeper conversions to Christ. Faith studies are flexible, faithful, and proven. Plus, CCO is ready to help you customize your implementation of the faith studies. Let’s work together!
Ready to lead a faith study?
Want to learn more about CCO’s methods and materials?
Check out CCO’s Missionary Disciple Podcast: