My Story

CCO has had a huge impact on my faith as a university student and young adult. Though I was privileged to be raised in a faithful Catholic family, it was through CCO missionaries on campus that I came to see and recognize that Jesus is my saviour and invite Him to be at the centre of my life. This changed my priorities and direction completely, which I am so grateful for! CCO also gave me the opportunity to meet other awesome young Catholics on fire for their faith, and encouraged me to share my relationship with Christ with those around me. During my degree, I felt that God was inviting me to work for CCO as a missionary after graduation.

My Mission

I’ve been working as a CCO missionary since 2010. Currently, I am serving in our training department, encouraging interns and new campus team leaders. Nothing brings me more joy than to see lives changed for Jesus, people beginning to love the Church, and students gaining the courage to share their faith with others. It’s exciting bringing my previous experience as a CCO campus missionary to our new staff, helping them grow in their missionary attitudes, skills, and knowledge. I truly believe in our tools and methodology because I have seen first-hand how the Holy Spirit works through them to change lives (including mine)! We can renew the world and bring many souls to Jesus!

Help Chantal Make Jesus Known

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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.

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