My Story

I encountered Jesus in a personal way as a teenager. I came to understand that He was the only one who could fill me up, so with a broken heart I came to Him in adoration and gave Him my life. And now my heart is full!

I met CCO through an invitation to the Rise Up conference, which led to a summer mission, which led to involvement as a student, which led to joining staff. I served as a Campus Missionary at the U of S until being called away to be a full time mom. Now, with my kiddos getting a bit older, God has called me back to serve part time in a national role with CCO.

I am married to Quin and we have four children.

My Story

I am serving through my role as a Support Raising Coaching Specialist. I am thankful for the opportunity to encourage my fellow missionaries in their support raising efforts so that they can get out there and raise up leaders who are centred on Christ and the Spirit to evangelize the world. It brings me such joy to be on this adventure of life with God and to get to walk where he leads, encouraging others to find fulfillment in an abundant life with the Lord.

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