My Story
Growing up Catholic, Jesus was always a part of my life. It wasn’t until I was in university that I learned how personally Jesus loves me and that I could have a personal relationship with Him if I wanted one. CCO gave me the skills, attitude, and knowledge to not only thrive in my relationship with Christ but to proclaim the Gospel to others so that they too could have a personal relationship with Him. Ever since my life story has taken a trajectory that could only be authored by the Creator of All. Praise God!
My Mission
Working in Regional Development has opened my eyes to a whole new way of being missionary. After working as a campus missionary for a year, it’s been incredible to meet the people who enable missionaries to be successful on campus while also getting the opportunity to invite new people to participate in CCO’s mission. I get to witness first-hand the Lord’s incredible providence and generosity, and this is what inspires me to step out in faith and boldness every day. Working in Vancouver is particularly special to me, as this is the region where I first encountered God’s personal love for me – it’s been a huge blessing getting to meet the people who made it all happen!
Help Debora Make Jesus Known
While Catholic Christian Outreach seeks to honour the expressed preference of each gift, I acknowledge that my gift is a gift to the ministry of Catholic Christian Outreach and will be used by Catholic Christian Outreach in a manner that it believes will best advance its charitable purposes. If my preference changes, it is my responsibility to inform Catholic Christian Outreach.
CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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