My Story
Growing up, I always worried about what others thought of me and kept trying to be the perfect child, student, and friend. As expected, this label became increasingly hard to live up to, especially when I started university. My first year of university was one of the loneliest years of my life, and I felt I kept disappointing everyone around me, including myself. After choosing Jesus and opening myself up to learn who He is through a CCO faith study, I found what I was missing my whole life. I discovered that I could have a relationship with a Father who loves and accepts me in my imperfection. Since inviting Jesus to be the centre of my life, everything has changed for the better!
My Mission
Starting this September, I have the opportunity to serve as a Campus Missionary at Mount Royal University! I am so excited to share Jesus with people every day, especially with young adults searching so intently for Him. I love that by simply meeting these students where they’re at and trusting that God is working through me, I get to be a witness to God’s work in such a clear and extraordinary way. More often than not, people do not know Christ simply because the invitation to get to know Him was never made. Being a CCO missionary is an incredible way to invite others to know His love and to just be there for them, listen, and help them grow.
Help Nicole Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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