My Story
I was broken-hearted and striving for love in the wrong places as a young girl. I was drawn to go to a retreat during this time, and during adoration, I was met with Jesus’ love. My heart experienced the healing and true love that I was looking for. I came away knowing Jesus in a personal way, and desiring for others, who were also in pain as I was, to experience Jesus’ love as well. In university, I was drawn to find people who had the same desire, and then I found CCO who had this very mission being lived out. I knew this was God’s providence for me to spread His love to others as a campus missionary.
My Mission
I have the privilege of being a campus missionary at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia since 2017. It is a beautiful journey to be able to work with so many university students, and bring Jesus into their lives. Many are truly open, and we get to be generous with our efforts to bring them up in their faith. We get to simply invite them, and time and time again many say their ‘YES’ to Jesus’ love and to spread it! I can’t help but share God’s rejoice in His longing to bring many to Him!
Help Shannelle Make Jesus Known
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