My Story
Since I was 11 years old, CCO has had an impact on my life. I recall hearing at the end of mass, Summer missionaries sharing, in front of the entire congregation, about when they started living their lives for Jesus and how much they love Him. I was impressed! I was so intrigued by what they had: a personal relationship with Jesus, confidence to share their story and zeal for proclaiming the Gospel.
God knew that openness in my heart. I met CCO as a university student in 2016, where a missionary and Catholic community accompanied me deeper in my conversion and understanding as to what my life would look like after inviting Jesus to be at the centre. CCO challenged me to share my faith with confidence, which in turn increased my desire to grow in holiness.
During my degree, I felt that God was inviting me to work for CCO as a missionary after graduation. It is with great joy to follow God’s direction which will allow me to be completely available to find those far from God, clearly and simply proclaim the Gospel, and further accompany them in their pursuit of holiness and mission with Jesus. As a student, I witnessed firsthand how the Holy Spirit works through CCO’s methods and materials to change lives: Thanks be to God, mine is included!
Help Vanessa Make Jesus Known
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CCO is a registered Canadian charity (#13782 4363 RR0001) and income tax receipts are issued in February of each year.
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